Crickets are known to be a big nuisance to a lot of homeowners due to the chirping sound that they make. This chirping sound which is made by male crickets to attract female mates is annoying and puts a lot of people off. While this is the major problem that they pose to humans, many individuals wonder if they are dangerous. A lot of differing opinions exist on the dangers of crickets, and this article will give all the correct answers to questions that you have.
Are Crickets Harmful?
The answer to this question is no. Aside from being noisy pests, crickets do not pose any harm to human beings. While they do not bite, sting, or transmit any diseases, they can be destructive in the home. Crickets feed on fabric including linen, fur, cotton, silk, and wool. Crickets are known to have a preference for clothes that are soiled in sweat or food. So, it is best to keep your clothes clean always. Better still, keep your stained clothes in a safe area in the home. Crickets might also feed on paper found in the home.
Are Crickets Nocturnal?
Another question that is frequently asked about crickets is whether they are nocturnal insects. Yes, crickets are mostly nocturnal, being very active at night. They enjoy laying under rocks and logs during the day, only to come out at night. During the night, the male crickets come out to attract their female counterparts, which is why their chirping sound is loudest at night. Crickets like damp habitats that are cool and dark.
How Do Crickets Get Into The House?
There are many channels through which crickets can enter your house. They are attracted to bright lights in the home. Seeing as they are not particularly large, it is easy for them to get in through small openings. Crickets can get into the house through openings such as window frames, cracks in doors, window frames, siding and foundation as well as open doors.
How To Keep Crickets Out of Your House
If you cannot deal with the loud noise that they make, there are simple ways to deal with cricket. Below are a few steps to help you keep crickets out of your house.
- Keep outdoor lighting at a minimum to avoid attracting crickets. Put on the outdoor lights only when needed. You can also switch to yellow lights, as this does not appeal to crickets as much as other lights.
- Seal all entry points of crickets. This includes ground-floor window frames, cracks in your doors, and gaps around the foundation.
- Cut the grass near your foundation, making sure to take care of the weed as well.
- Clean up boxes and clutter in the home, to reduce the hiding places for crickets.
- Also, ensure to keep your home clean at all times.
If you are dealing with the problem of crickets in your home, you can contact pest control to help you get rid of them. Click here to find out more.
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